"Phone Directories" Open Seven Days a Week with Unlimited Uses

The pile of phone directories in my home is huge. I can’t seem to throw them away, even when I have three new ones. For some reason, I get about five of them a year. When I was young I remember that we got one a year, and it wasn’t very big. I lived in a rural area, and there just weren’t that many listings. These were tiny, and had the yellow pages and the white pages all in the same book. If you lost one, you had to order another.

That’s not the case any longer. When I lived in a large city, I was amazed at the size of the phone directories that came to my house. They were huge. It would have taken six or seven of the phone directories from my home town to make just one of these. They came separate too. There was one that was strictly white pages, and then the yellow pages came later. There was just too much information, and I don’t even remember using them that often. It’s so much easier to call information these days.

I guess I will have to go through my stack of phone directories and get rid of the majority of them. They aren’t doing anything other than taking up space. I think they are recyclable, so they will have to go out with the cans and bottles. There are ways you can recycle them in your own home, but you might not want to do this unless you have the space to store them. You can use the pages to wrap up things for packaging, or you can use the pages for kids crafts.

There are always phone directories that you find online, and you might find these are just as useful as the ones that come to your door. The problem with these is that some opt out of having their numbers listed on the online version, but you may still find them in the paper books. They also don’t have your local, state and federal government listings like the paper books do.

My local books even have the numbers to all of the schools and other public venues that I might need. It makes searching for numbers very easy. Either way, these are very convenient, and you can find phone directories online for almost anywhere in the world. You certainly can’t find that in your local book.